티스토리 뷰
ISO 9001 영문 매뉴얼 절차서 (ISO 9001 Manual, Procedure)
해외 발주처 등에서 요구할 경우 사용할 수 있도록 ISO 9001 품질경영시스템의 매뉴얼과 절차서를 영문으로 준비하였습니다. 해외 품질경영시스템을 준비하시는 경우 자료로 활용하실 수 있습니다.
ISO 영문 매뉴얼, 절차서가 필요한 경우 아래 링크를 통해 다운로드가 가능합니다.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System Manual, Procedure 통합본. 수정 가능한 문서. 약 280 페이지 편집 가능본
매뉴얼 및 절차서
0. ISO 9001 MANUAL (Eng.)
1. ISO 9001 PROCEDURE (Eng.) / 절차서 별 양식 포함
1.1 Procedure for Understanding Situations and Operating the Quality Management System
1.2 Procedure for Leadership and Establishing Policy
1.3 Procedure for Organization and Task Management
1.4 Procedure for Planning and Risk Management in the Quality Management System
1.5 Procedure for Resource Management
1.6 Procedure for Managing the 3R 5S (3 Principles and 5 Actions)
1.7 Procedure for Equipment Management
1.8 Procedure for Managing Testing and Measuring Equipment
1.9 Procedure for Handling and Managing Nonconformities
1.10 Procedure for Training and Education Management
1.11 Guideline for Qualification Certification Management
1.12 Procedure for Awareness and Communication
1.13 Procedure for Managing Documented Information
1.14 Guideline for Document Writing
1.15 Guideline for Process FMEA
1.16 Procedure for Managing 4M Changes
1.17 Procedure for Reviewing Product and Service Requirements
1.18 Procedure for Design Management
1.19 Procedure for Drawing Management
1.20 Procedure for Procurement Management
1.21 Procedure for Supplier Management
1.22 Procedure for Production Management
1.23 Guideline for Identification and Traceability
1.24 Guideline for Managing Customer and External Provider Assets
1.25 Guideline for Product Preservation
1.26 Guideline for Post-Delivery Activities
1.27 Procedure for Inspection and Testing
1.28 Procedure for Nonconforming Product Management
1.29 Procedure for Change Management
1.30 Procedure for Managing Process Performance
1.31 Procedure for Customer Satisfaction Management
1.32 Procedure for Data Analysis Management
1.33 Procedure for Internal Audits
1.34 Procedure for Management Review
1.35 Procedure for Nonconformance and Corrective Actions
1.36 Procedure for Continuous Improvement
ISO인증은 아이티씨패스(ITC-PASS)인증원
전화: 055-285-0658 홈페이지: http://www.itc-pass.co.kr
ISO심사원 CompEx EEHA HVS 교육은 한국국제품질학교
전화: 055-267-2702 홈페이지: http://www.kiqus.co.kr
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